Town of Kindersley Reminds Organizations of Funding Grants
By Mallorie Rast
Every year, the Town of Kindersley offers $15,000 in grants, portioned out to $750 per application to organizations that run programs and services for the residents of Kindersley. In essence, through this funding the Town Council enables our community to give back to the community.
“The Kindersley Community Grant is designed to boost organizations programs that serve Kindersley residents, specifically for those who do not qualify for the Kindersley Community Initiative Program which is funded by Saskatchewan Lotteries .” says Chelsea Omness, Recreation Programs Manager for the Town of Kindersley.
Organizations that are eligible for these grants must operate within the Kindersley municipal boundaries and have a positive impact on a key sector or demographic area within Kindersley. Before applying for this grant, any organization that offers sport, recreational and cultural services should apply for the Kindersley Cultural Initiative Program (KCIP) first.
The Town accepts applications all year round, but has only semi-annual award dates of September 30th and April 1st. Thus, any organization that would like a grant awarded by September 30th is encouraged to place its application now.
In order to place an application, or view deadline information, check out the Town of Kindersley website kindersley.ca/community/grant-opportunities.
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