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What Is a Chamber of Commerce and Why Should I Join?

What is a Chamber of Commerce and why should I join?

A Chamber of Commerce is a form of business network, for example, a local organization of businesses whose goal is to further the interests of businesses. Business owners in towns and cities form these local societies to advocate on behalf of the business community. Local businesses are members and they elect a board of directors or executive council to set policy for the Chamber. The board or council then elects a President and hires an Executive Director to run the organization.

A Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary association of business firms coming from different trades and industries. They serve as spokespeople and representatives from the business community. The Kindersley Chamber of Commerce is no different and is in business for business.

How about this interesting chamber fact. The worlds oldest English-speaking Chamber of Commerce and oldest Chamber of Commerce in North America is the Halifax Chamber of Commerce, founded in 1750!

As a non-governmental institution, a Chamber of Commerce has no direct role in the writing and passage of laws and regulations that affect businesses. It can, however, lobby in an attempt to get laws passed that are favourable to businesses.

Despite common misconceptions, a Chamber of Commerce is more like a fraternal organization; in most cases, a Chamber of Commerce does not receive public or government funding – the majority of Chambers of Commerce existing today survive as a result of membership dues, donations and fundraising events.

The Chambers most fundamental mission is to generate more business activity for their community. The Chamber initiates more business-to-business commerce and more opportunities for networking and connecting local professionals than is available through most other local organizations.

In Kindersley, as many of you may know, the Chamber has been more active and in the public eye than ever before. The SHOPKINDERSLEY.CA program with gift cards has been a big success in helping local businesses as we help to keep shopping dollars here at home. We understand the allure of online shopping as it does have benefits, however, it can also negatively affect a community when a brick and mortar store closes. Historically, and sadly, that store never reopens

Please check the Chamber website for the most current updates and information and contact us should you have any questions.


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