Sun West School Division’s Wellness Challenge
There has never been a better time for the Sun West School Division to initiate their wellness challenge. With the added stress COVID-19 has placed on everyone, especially the school system, the wellness challenges provide the perfect opportunity to share something that brings joy or sparks an idea.
The idea first began during the 2019-2020 school year, when the Sun West Wellness Committee recognized that something needed to be done to address the stress and anxiety levels within the school division. Initially, the group met to do some planning but, as with most things, Covid-19 caused the group to put the idea on hold, however, the idea of promoting wellness was something that they wanted to continue.
“Staff Wellness has been a topic of conversation among every school division in the province. At one of my provincial meetings, I was inspired when another school division shared that they had set up challenges for their staff to help boost morale. I brought the idea back to the Sun West Wellness Committee where we started a conversation about a monthly challenge connected to the dimensions on the Wellness Wheel (physical, psychological, social, spiritual, and environmental),” said Carole Butcher
Superintendent of Student Support Services.
Knowing how anxious everyone was prior to schools opening, the timing was right to put the Wellness Journal together so it was ready for fall. “Putting the challenges together became my summer project. Every Sun West Staff Member received a Wellness Journal. We needed to have some positive focus to help balance the anxieties and stress with teaching and learning during Covid-19,” said Butcher.
Although everyone is on their own wellness journey, the activities allow for easy participation and offer some suggestions if needing support. “So far we have a fairly steady group who have been participating,” said Butcher.
While social media posts have helped to share and promote the activities, anyone who is interested in joining is encouraged to do so!
Wellness Challenges for the Coming Months:
January: Enjoy Reading – Recommending a Good Book
February: Be Kind – Writing kindness notes to colleagues/Random Acts of Kindness
March: Chasing Sleep – Learning about the Importance of a Good Night’s Rest.
April: Mindfulness – Taking Time to Smell the Roses and Be Mindful
May: The Great Outdoors – Sharing Pictures of Enjoying the Great Outdoors
June: Gratitude – Identifying Three Things Throughout the Year in which you are Grateful.
Past Activities:
September: Get Moving – Remembering to be Physically Active
October: Bountiful Harvest – Sharing Your Favourite Recipe
November: Stress Relief – Finding Ways for Stress Management
December: Finding Joy – Sharing photos of what brings you joy.
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