Heritage Conservation Branch Hosts Adaptive Reuse of Historic Buildings Webinar Series
The Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport will present a four-part Lunch ‘n Learn webinar series entitled Adaptive Reuse: The Ingredients for Successfully Redeveloping Historic Buildings. These free sessions are open to anyone with an interest in conserving historic built structures.
“We are excited to present this series of webinars, highlighting key areas of importance when considering the conservation and repurposing of historic buildings,” Parks, Culture and Sport Minister Laura Ross said. “While there is an inherent value to these buildings for community pride and character, when examined through the lens of adapted reuse, they can also offer solid investment opportunities.”
The titles and subjects of the four Lunch ‘n Learn webinars are:
Tuesday, February 23, 2021: Adaptive Reuse – The Developer’s Perspective
Presenter: Ross Keith, founder of Nicor Group, a Regina-based property development and management firm with a large portfolio of redeveloped historic buildings.
Thursday, February 25, 2021: Adaptive Reuse and Building Codes
Presenters: Murray Fischer, Building Safety Manager, City of Brandon; Brant Hryhorczuk, Heritage Building Conservation Officer, Heritage Conservation Branch.
Tuesday, March 2, 2021: Adaptive Reuse – The Municipality’s Role
Presenter: Michael Ruus, Director of Planning and Development, Cape Breton Regional Municipality; former General Manager of Planning and Growth Development, City of Swift Current.
Thursday, March 4, 2021: Adaptive Reuse – Archaeological Considerations
Presenters: Kim Cloutier, Archaeologist; Lorna Dmyterko, Provincial Archaeology Inventory Specialist; Tom Richards, Senior Archaeologist, Heritage Conservation Branch.
Throughout the four sessions, presenters will be referencing their presentations with examples of existing projects. Time will be allocated for questions, discussion and feedback.
There are no registration fees, but pre-registration is required. To register, please visit https://www.saskatchewan.ca/residents/parks-culture-heritage-and-sport/heritage-conservation-and-commemoration/conservation-advice-and-information/webinars, or for more information call 306-787-2817. The registration deadline for all four of the webinars is Monday, February 22.
The Heritage Property Act governs the preservation, interpretation and development of heritage property in Saskatchewan. To learn more about this legislation visit http://publications.saskatchewan.ca/#/products/558.
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