Obituaries: Blanche Belle (Bunse) Woodward
1917 ~ 2021 (age 103)
With sadness we announce the death of our mother, Blanche Woodward on March 10th, 2021, one month short of 104 years of age.
She was married to Walter Woodward in 1940, and they celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary. They had 5 children, many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Blanche was predeceased by her husband Walter (2015), son Norman (2013), and daughter-in-law Linda (2014). She is survived by Irene (George), Don, Shirley, Hope (Mike) and families.
We would like to thank the staff of KLD Long Term Care for their kindness over the last 7 years.
Due to Covid restrictions a service will be held at a later time.
Kerrobert, Luseland, & District KLD) Wellness Foundation
Box 730, Kerrobert SK S0L 1R0
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