Authorizing Subleasing and Sale of Hay on Crown Lands
By Helen Rud, Director of Strategic Initiatives, Lands Branch, Regina
The Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture is now authorizing lessees of Crown agricultural land to sublease or sell hay from the lease if they have excess grazing or hay resources, due to dry conditions.
To sublease grazing land or sell hay from the lease, lessees must complete the 2021 Emergency Grazing Sublease and Hay Sale Authorization form below and submit it to the Ministry of Agriculture Lands Branch. This authorization is only valid for the 2021 calendar year.
For more information on other supports, visit the Producer Resources for Dry Conditions section of our website. Here you will find articles that outline resources and program information for producers related to water development and infrastructure, farm stress, and water testing.
Contact the Agriculture Knowledge Centre at 1-866-457-2377 for more information.
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