Provincial Social Media “Take A Break” Campaign Launched
The Government of Saskatchewan is encouraging children and teens to “Take A Break” from social media and screen time in a new public awareness campaign to promote mental and physical well-being.
“I am pleased to see the launch of the ‘Take a Break’ campaign,” Education Minister Dustin Duncan said. “Through this campaign, we want to remind children, teens and adults alike that it’s important from time to time to take a step away from their screens and find a healthy lifestyle balance.”
According to the Canadian Pediatric Society (2019), 75 per cent of parents are concerned with how much time their children are spending on social media and state that 36 per cent of their 10- to 13-year-olds are on devices for more than three hours per day. Another study in Ontario (Canadian Medical Association Journal) found that there is a seven per cent increase today in adolescents who are on screens more than five hours per day compared to 2013 – 2017.
Additional research shows that excessive screen time can negatively impact mental health, healthy sleep habits, self-esteem and result in lost connections of quality time with friends and family. The “Take a Break” campaign will help educate parents, caregivers, children, teens and the community about the importance of purposeful and healthy use of digital technology, recognizing the signs of too much screen time and choosing healthy alternatives to using digital technology.
Beginning today, parents, caregivers, children and teens can access the “Take A Break” website to learn more about the warning signs of too much screen time, how this impacts children and teens, tips on alternatives to screen time and how to create a healthy balance. Additional tips, videos and information will be added over time. Ads will also be appearing on a variety of popular social media channels and in local newspapers to remind the public to take a break to avoid the negative impacts excessive screen time can have on children and teens.
Join the conversation and share how you and your family are taking a break from screen time with our hashtag #TakeABreakSK. By following #TakeABreakSK, you can also see what others are doing as healthy alternatives to screen time.
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