The Cross and the Cleaver: A Perfect BBQ Dish
Summer is coming. The dynamics and focus of many of our activities will shift. Warm weather, the perceived change to the pandemic conditions, overall “it’s summer” attitude will affect the way we are towards each other, our work, our churches (towards God? ). One thing though will remain constant, and one thing will intensify. We will continue to eat, yet I imagine we will eat more often in the company of others. I mean – what else do you do in the “summertime” but have backyard BBQ’s to which you invite family, friends and passers by who complimented the aroma of whatever it is you are grilling?
One of my fondest memories of such gathering, is the backyard BBQ my wife organised for the 25th anniversary of my arrival to Canada. We cooked together, Polish style. There were endless “szaszłyki” (kebab skewers) spitting delicious smoke over the charcoal. Over the open fire there was a simmering pot of “bigos” (hunter’s stew) and a dish of “duszonki”. The side table was bending under the weight of potato salad, wholesome rye bread, and cold “Żywiec” beer. I shared most of those recipes with you before. The very idea that food, in my opinion, inspires is COMMUNITY, and eating TOGETHER. So here is the dish my wife and I love to make when friendship, casualness and “taking it easy” is involved. Think of it as “the other finger food” . I recommend cooking it outside, on the camp stove, or your BBQ’s side burner. Ingredients’ measures are intended for you, your significant other/companion/friend/partner/spouse (so many options, though I am sure you get the drift) and two strangers walking by that you simply invite.
– Bring a large pot of water to a boil.
– Throw in two large onions roughly chopped
– Two garlic cloves (just smash them, skin, and all)
– 1tsp of peppercorns
– 3 bay leaves
– 2 lemons cut into pieces
– 2lb baby potatoes (red, purple, white – whatever)
– Simmer for 5 min.
– Add four corn cobs cut into bite-size rings.
– Simmer for 5 min.
– Add two large sausages cut into ½ inch pieces. What sausage? Well, Talaat’s (Close’s Family Foods) store-made sausages, “kaszubska sausage” from co-op, or Grimm’s from Walmart will be more than fine. – – Simmer for 5 min.
– Add a bag of mid-size raw shrimp (unpeeled give more flavour and provide more eating fun).
– Simmer for 5 min (7 if shrimp are frozen) or until cooked through.
IN THE MEANTIME – in a small pot, on a low heat, melt at least ½ lb of butter into which you drop a few garlic cloves and lemon wedges. Serve the dish in the middle of the newspaper covered picnic table (or in a bowl if must). Offer it along the melted butter on the side for personal preference, with lemon wedges (for drizzling over), some hot sauce, and cut-up baguette (for mopping up juices). DO NOT FORGET the cold, delicious, fizzy, and lemony Gazelle Vinho Verde available at Red Lion off-sale or at Sobey’s liquor store (basically a Portuguese fresh white wine). For your teetotaling company, an apple juice with slices of lemon and lime will be a perfect accompaniment!
This is my last column for now. As of May 18, I will be on a sabbatical leave until September 7, for which I am profoundly grateful to the St. Paul’s Community of Faith, and the United Church of Canada as a whole. Let us reconnect in September. With new food ideas, with new experiences and memories. In the meantime, you can find me at where new food ideas can be found. I wish you a happy summer, and may your hunger for love, friendship and meaning of live, be satisfied.
Your brother, Piotr