Using Creativity to Help Kids Learn
Fractions are more fun when you’re using slices of pizza as an example. A child who loves video games may be interested in learning a basic coding program.
It’s no surprise that kids are more easily engaged in learning when they’re having fun. Check out these simple tips to support their lessons and make learning at home fun.
Let your kids’ interests lead the way
When introducing a new skill or subject, consider using their current interests as a starting point. A child who loves animals may be more motivated to pick up a book if it’s about tigers or sharks, while one who loves superheroes may be more excited to write if it’s a story about a superpower they’d like to have. Use their current interests to build their curiosity in other topics as well. When you let them lead the way, learning becomes much more engaging for everyone.
Find teaching moments in daily activities
There are many household chores and activities that can be turned into fun lessons. For example, baking with your child can become a math lesson as you measure cups of flour and teaspoons of baking soda. Counting the coins in a child’s piggy bank can turn into a lesson on basic savings. Planting flowers can lead to a conversation about the environment and things we can do to help the planet. Perhaps the most important thing they’ll learn is that spending time together is fun.
Be attuned to how they learn
Different kids learn in different ways. Some may pick things up faster through visual cues, while others will do better seeing things in writing. Some kids like to build things with their hands, while others prefer to use their imaginations and create with their minds. It’s amazing what kids come up with when you give them the space to learn their own way, so try to be flexible and give them choices to support their unique styles.