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Grand Opening of The New Kindersley Fire Hall

Hello, Cody Phinney back for another update from the Kindersley Fire Brigade.

The Kindersley Fire Brigade would like to extend an invitation to all the residents of Kindersley and the surrounding areas to join us on September 14 from 5:00p.m. to 7:00p.m. for the grand opening of our fire hall. There will be a BBQ serving hot dogs, member meet and greets, hall tours, speeches, local musicians, and Country 104.9 live on location. We are very excited to welcome members of the public into the hall for the first large scale event in years. 

Lately our members have been continuing to train for their 1001 professional firefighter certifications out at the training grounds. This past week members were out there practicing vertical ventilation techniques. These techniques are done in teams of at least two and require large amounts of teamwork with not only their team but with everyone on the fire ground. These techniques are used to allow heat and smoke from a fire inside a building to escape through the roof, thereby increasing visibility inside a structure, and reducing the amount of heat. You can also use ventilation techniques to “guide” a fire away from areas that may have occupants or away from rescue teams.

With harvest getting under way in the West Central region I figure it’s a good time to talk about harvest safety. There will be lots of farm equipment moving around out on the roads going from field to field. Make sure you always slow down as you approach farm implements and wait for a safe opportunity to pass if necessary. While out in the field it is best practice to keep a water truck ready and available, as well as a harrow in case of a field fire. Grass fires this time of year can spark very suddenly and move in unpredictable paths. 

Thank you for reading!

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