Crop Report for the Period of September 6 to 12, 2022
Ideal conditions over the past week allowed for producers across all regions in the province to make immense progress with harvest. Sixty-four per cent of the crop has now been harvested, up from 42 per cent last week and just ahead of the five-year (2017-2021) average of 57 per cent. An additional 20 per cent of the crop is ready to swath or straight cut. Many producers in the southwest and west-central regions have completed harvest and are on to other field work. There are concerns regarding soil moisture and a good soaking rain post-harvest would be ideal, as soil is drying out across the province after several weeks of minimal precipitation, wind and hot weather.
Harvest is most advanced in the southwest region, where 93 per cent of the crop is in the bin. The west-central has 80 per cent combined, the southeast 57 per cent, the northwest 47 per cent, the east-central 46 per cent and the northeast 41 per cent.
Ninety-five per cent of lentils and field peas, 90 per cent of durum, 72 per cent of barley, 68 per cent of spring wheat, 39 per cent of canola and 23 per cent of flax has been combined. There is an additional 40 per cent of canola that is ready to swath or straight-cut.
Durum quality grades are estimated as 50 per cent 1 CW, 30 per cent 2 CW, 15 per cent 3 CW and five per cent 4 and 5 CW. Pea quality grades are estimated as 45 per cent 1 CAN, 46 per cent 2 CAN, nine per cent 3 CAN and one per cent Sample grade. Lentil quality grades are estimated as 34 per cent 1 CAN, 60 per cent 2 CAN and seven per cent 3 CAN.
Most of the province received very little to no rainfall this week. The Livelong, St. Walburg and Meadow Lake areas received a range of two to five mm which did not result in major delays.
Cropland topsoil moisture is rated as one per cent surplus, 37 per cent adequate, 38 per cent short and 24 per cent very short. Hay and pasture land topsoil moisture is rated as one per cent surplus, 27 per cent adequate, 44 per cent short and 28 per cent very short.
The majority of crop damage this week was due to light hail, wind and dry conditions. Frost was reported from the southeast up into the northwest; damage is not assessed yet as some areas received more severe frosts than others. Strong winds have continued to blow swaths and shell out crops. There were also reports of damage caused by wildlife and waterfowl as they make their way south.
Producers are busy combining, swathing, hauling bales and moving cattle. Post-harvest activities are well underway in some regions. Producers are noting that many areas are too dry to consider seeding winter cereals.
A complete, printable version of the Crop Report is available online at https://www.saskatchewan.ca/crop-report.