Curling Season is Back!
Curling season is back and the Kindersley Curling Club is holding some great opportunities for those looking to play the sport!
Currently the curling club is offering four leagues starting the week of November 7.
-Monday night mens/open league
-Wednesday afternoon open, Wednesday night open
-Thursday night is a 6-4-6 league.
6-4-6 league is NEW! This is a six week league offered three times during the curling season. Submit a team of four and play six ends. End the night with one FREE drink per player upstairs in the lounge! This league is perfect for teams that do not want to commit to a full curling season and beginner curlers who are looking to socialize and have fun. This curling format has been very successful in other curling clubs in Saskatchewan.
– Tuesday, October 25th, the club is having a league registration night in the curling lounge from 6:30 – 8:30. Come out if you are interested in learning more about the leagues or are an individual looking to join a team. The lounge will be open for refreshments and socializing.
– November 22 is the AGM at 7pm in the curling rink lounge. Elections will take place for new board members. As an incentive, all board members will receive a 50% discount on their annual curling fees this year. Committee reports and audited financial statements will be made available.
– Free curling will be offered during the week Of November 3 – 6. More details will be available on the Kindersley Curling Club social media platforms.
For any additional questions please reach out to Jacqueline.pollard87@gmail.com