SARCAN Holds Recognition Day
This year, in October, SARCAN held a recognition day for its staff who celebrated milestone years in their career and also recognized staff that had retired in the past year.
The employees travelled to Saskatoon, where there was a tour of the Saskatoon processing plant. Afterwards, there was a banquet and an award ceremony held at the Saskatoon Inn, followed by a dance with drinks and socializing.
The Kindersley depot had five employees reach these milestones:
Cindy Stanley received 25 years of service.
Amber Soveran received 15 years of service.
Rody Luzana received 5 years of service.
Danilo ( Danny), received 5 years of service.
Adora Lopez received 5 years of service.
Fun Facts about the team at SARCAN:
-Supervisor Cindy Stanley started at SARCAN in July 1997 a temporary rec/tec before moving on to a permanent position. From there, she advanced to an assistant supervisor, and in 2001 became the supervisor.
-Jimmy Vendiola started at the Kindersley depot as assistant supervisor in May 2009. In April 2009, he arrived in Canada, but before that he lived in the Philippines where he worked as a farmer tending orchards and owned a small grocery store.
-Rody Luzana started at the depot in 2016 as a cashier. He arrived in Canada from the Philippines in 2011, where he started working at one of the group homes in Kindersley with a family member. Back home, he worked as a mechanic and bought and sold fruit.
-Amber Soveran started working at the Kindersley depot in 2007 as a rec. tec. She had worked multiple jobs in Kindersley before this.
-Danny Santos started working at the depot in 2016 as a recycling technician. He arrived from the Philippines in 2009, where he worked at a bake/food store.
-Leandro Palmero arrived in Canada in 2012 and worked at a group home in Kindersley with a family member. In 2014 he started working casually at the depot. When living in the Philippines, he worked in the health care system.
-Randy Dorscht started working at the depot casually in 2019. He had moved from Alsask, where he worked at a fish plant and did odd jobs.Adora Lopez started working casually at the depot in 2017. She had arrived in Canada in 2011 and was working in Brooks, Alberta before moving to Kindersley in 2013. In the Philippines, she was a manager of a fine dining restaurant.