Rock Your Mocs!
Established 2011, Rock Your Mocs, is a worldwide Native American and Indigenous peoples social media event held annually during National Native American Heritage Month in the United States, which this year is November 13-19. Click here for more information.
People wear their moccasins, take a photo or video and post to social media with the hashtag #RockYourMocs. This creates an online photo album for the world to see and enjoy. Additionally individuals, organizations, schools, museums and tribes are taking the initiative to create their own independent events throughout the world.
Rock Your Mocs was founded in 2011 by Jessica Jaylyn Atsye (Laguna Pueblo, New Mexico and beginning 2013 has been organized by Native American event producer Melissa Sanchez(Acoma/Laguna Pueblos New Mexico).
How to join in:
Pick a day to wear authentically produced Indigenous moccasins or other footwear, take a picture or video and post to social media with the hashtags #RockYourMocs and/or #RockYourMocs2022. Send your pictures to mike.fedyk@sunwestsd.ca and they will be posted on Sun West social media as well.