D Jay McGrath Shares Tips for Improving Mental Health
We are thrilled that D Jay McGrath is going to be sharing some of his mental health tips with us.
You may have seen D Jay around town during one of his many speaking engagements, where he shares his personal struggles with addiction and depression. You may have also driven past the outdoor rink at Kinsmen Park, you will have seen D Jay skating with local kids, during an afternoon of free hockey and snacks. In addition, he’s been busy with speaking engagements across Saskatchewan!
Research shows that regular exercise may help ease depression and anxiety by releasing feel-good endorphins and other natural brain chemicals that can enhance your sense of well-being. While sharing a problem or simply talking with someone or a group can give you support, help you better recover from depression and better with stress easier.
D Jay shared that when he starts feeling negative feelings coming on like anxiety, depressive thoughts and/or stress, he uses some coping skills that have helped him get through it.
1) I reach out to family members or friends and just talk. It’s amazing how someone else’s perspective can set your thoughts on a better path. Trying to handle things on your own is very difficult, for me anyway. I was always battling with myself and having voices in my head telling me the worse. So, talking to people really sheds light on any situation.
2) Any form of physical activity such as walking, going to the gym, sports, yoga, etc., are great ways to clear your mind. There is nothing better than getting out and enjoy the fresh air! Staying busy is key!
3) One thing that has helped me is giving back. It gives me the sense of purpose. Being honest, vulnerable and open about my mental health struggles. I honestly feel this will help others. I try not to let judgement of others get to me, instead, I remind myself of the saying, “until you walk a mile in my shoes.”
If you have any signs or symptoms that you may need to speak to someone, that’s okay. “Speak up! I promise you are not alone. It’s okay to not be okay,” shared D Jay.
If you are in the Kindersley or surrounding area and would like to speak with someone at the West Central Crisis & Family Support Center Inc., you can call them at 1 306-463-6655 or the after-hours line at 1 306-463-1860. You may also stop in to their center, which is located at 116 1 Ave W in Kindersley. If you prefer, you can call the Saskatchewan Healthline at 811.