KFB Members Honored at Kindersley’s Annual Fireman’s Ball
Kindersley’s Fireman’s Ball was hosted at the Elks Hall on April 29th, an annual event to honour
the hard work and sacrifice of those who volunteer their time as first responders to Kindersley
and the surrounding area.
The Town, RM, fellow first responders, and West Central Crisis Center spoke praises to the
department, their hard work, and their sacrifice. RM Reeve Lynol Story called the department
“The best in West Central Saskatchewan, with the best firefighting men and women in all of
Saskatchewan” The fire department being top class has saw member numbers rise in recent
In front of his friends and family, long-standing and decorated member David Burke’s 40 years
of service were honoured at the event as he retires from the department. Burke has had a long
and distinguished career with the Kindersley fire brigade since 1978. Burke, in an emotional
speech, thanked his family for all their sacrifices over the years which allowed him to support the community. In 1977 shortly after his marriage to his wife Carol he was told “If
they were to live in a community, they needed to be part of the community” which was what
launched his long career with the department and what he’s carried with him through the many
years of service, which Burke calls “a journey of a lifetime.”

Service medals were given to members of the brigade Wayne Bleile (25 years), Adam Wake (10
years), and Byron Ismond (10 years) Their many years of service have been assets in training
new members on the expanding department.
The Kindersley Fire Department continue expanding their education and resources to serve
Kindersley and Area better, bringing a top-tier and much-needed service to our community.
Their hard work and sacrifice do not go unnoticed.
By Jenny Hagan
If you have a story you would like Jenny to cover please reach out! You can email us at hello@kindersleysocial.ca or DM us on our Facebook page.