Kindersley RCMP Seeing Increase in Fuel Theft from Rural Properties
Between April 25th and May 2nd, 2023, Kindersley RCMP responded to 37 calls for service*. These calls for service included 5 traffic collisions, 3 vehicle thefts, a break and enter to a business and 8 false alarms due to power outages. RCMP have been receiving an increase in calls about fuel theft from rural properties. Property owners are asked to secure their property as best as they can and report all suspicious people and vehicles to your nearest detachment right away.
Kindersley RCMP would also like to remind you that if you require a Vulnerable Sector Check, a letter is required from the requesting person or organization explaining how you will be in care and control of vulnerable persons. Criminal Record and Vulnerable Sector Checks are done at Kindersley Detachment on Thursdays between 8:00am and 4:00pm.
Want to help your local RCMP investigate crimes and keep your community safe? Voluntarily register your business or home security camera at: saskcapturecw.ca.
*For more information on the calls to service please contact the Kindersley RCMP Detachment.