Rise Up Hot Air Balloon Festival
This weekend, hot air balloon pilots from across Canada are taking to the skies over Medicine Hat to raise awareness about how we can work collectively to enhance mental wellness and rise to great heights together.
19 balloons from all over Canada are registered to attend the Rise Up Hot Air Balloon Festival on May 25-28. The pilots come from all over Canada to fly their majestic balloons for the viewing pleasure of those in Medicine Hat and surrounding area.
The Rise Up Hot Air Balloon Festival is a family friendly event that will bring the community together at no cost to witness balloons soaring over our beautiful landscape in Medicine Hat and surrounding area. There are six flight times scheduled over the four days (weather permitting) and Saturday the Glow Event is scheduled!
During the Glow Event time slot, the hot air balloons will be tethered to the ground at sunset. Propane burners are ignited periodically to keep them inflated, illuminating the balloons and showcasing their beauty. At this time, spectators will have a chance to mingle and see the balloons up close.

Photo Credit: Sonya Brown