Kindersley Co-op Donates to Westcliffe Composite School Breakfast Club
Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day, so a big thank you goes out to the Kindersley & District Co-op, who earlier this month, made a donation of $1000.00 to the Westcliffe Composite Schools’ Breakfast Club!
The Breakfast Club offers students a healthy breakfast every morning to get their day started right. Students volunteer to help serve breakfast as well! This is a positive way to start the day ready to learn and this donation aids the school with the purchase of food and supplies that they may need.
Over the years, worldwide scientific studies have investigated the effect of breakfast consumption on learning in children and adolescents.
Breakfast consumption in children has been found to:
-Improve cognitive function, particularly memory, attention, and executive function
-Improve academic performance, including school grades and achievement test scores
-Increase on-task behaviour in the class