The KFD Is in Need of Passenger Vehicles
The Kindersley Fire Department is reminding the public they are in need of some assistance.
With the demands of training and miscellaneous events in the community such as the High School Party Program, and an upcoming Firefighting Fall School which will see 300 students and instructors in town for a few days of training, they are in need of passenger vehicles to train on. The department also uses roughly twenty to thirty vehicles to train on throughout the year. They are looking for vehicles that are intact (have tires, doors, windows, etc.).
Please message FC Jeff Soveran via the Kindersley Fire Department Facebook page or call 1-306-430-8016 if you have a vehicle you would like to donate. Please note, the Department will come and haul the vehicle away for you.
Also, the KFD is still accepting requests for fire blankets. If you would like one, please email firepubed@kindersley.ca With your name, the amount of blankets you would like and a contact phone number. we will add you to our list and we will make sure that we bring in enough fire blankets that everyone who contacts us gets them. This process may take a little time so we ask for your patience. Blankets will be $20 a blanket, we can deliver them within Town of Kindersley limits for an additional $5. Alternatively, feel free to speak to any of our members about getting a fire blanket. Let them know your email your phone number and how many blankets you would like and they will get that information onto our list.
Just a quick reminder that Fire blankets are meant as a supplement to fire extinguishers, and they are not a replacement of a fire extinguisher. Each device is very capable of suppressing a fire, however, there are scenarios where one device is better than the other and that changes from situation to situation. We believe through our experiences the fire blankets are one of the most user-friendly and safest methods for a stove top or kitchen fire when caught quickly. Fire blankets are also incredibly effective in suppressing any fire that is contained to a specific spot such as a steel trashcan, pot, or fire pit. Fire bankets also work as a supplement to suppressing clothing fires when used in conjunction with stop, drop, and roll.