TOK Announces Name Change to WCEC
It is with great excitement that the Town of Kindersley and Kindersley Jr. Klippers have joined forces to enter into a 10-year agreement with Inter Pipeline for the naming rights of the Event Centre Arena.
The Event Centre or EC Arena as has been commonly known for years, will now be known
as the: Inter Pipeline Events Centre.
The transition will take place shortly, with arena entrances being changed to the “Inter Pipeline Event Centre Arena”. All games, tournaments and special events held at the West Central Events Centre in the Inter Pipeline Events Centre Arena will be labelled accordingly on information packages.
Representatives from Inter Pipeline Ltd. were in Kindersley on June 12, 2024, receiving a full tour and layout of the home of the Kindersley Jr. Klippers, now known as the Inter Pipeline Events Centre Arena.
Inter Pipeline Ltd. members were very enthusiastic about the opportunity and all the promotional prospects that will be available to them to benefit the Jr. Klippers as well as the fans of the Kindersley Jr. Klippers.
A huge announcement will be forthcoming regarding the Kindersley Jr. Klippers Home Opener on Saturday, September 21st at 6:00pm.
Stay tuned.