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Two New Perfusionists Hired to Regina and Saskatoon

Health Human Resource Action Plan Sees Ongoing Success

Progress continues across the province on the provincial Health Human Resource (HHR) Action Plan with further recruitment success including two new perfusionists now hired – one located in Saskatoon, and the other based in Regina.

Perfusionists are in high demand and work closely with cardiac surgeons, anesthesiologists and other members of a patient’s operating room team. Their primary role is to maintain a patient’s respiration, circulation and physiological state, using state-of-the-art equipment like the heart-lung machine during surgery.

“I am pleased by ongoing progress in attracting specialized skillsets including perfusionists in a highly competitive national job market,” Health Minister Everett Hindley said. “By investing in our health care workforce and attracting these highly sought professionals, we are addressing current needs, and preparing for future health care delivery. This plan reflects our commitment to supporting Saskatchewan’s health professionals and enhancing the care provided to all residents.”

As well, 83 communities across the province have benefitted specifically from the Rural and Remote Recruitment Incentive (RRRI) and internationally educated nurse (IEN) initiatives. To date, 345 hard-to-recruit positions have been filled as a result of the RRRI of up to $50,000 over three years. In addition, 316 IENs have either enrolled in or completed the 14-week Transition to Registered Nursing in Canada (TRNC) program, which includes online training, in-person clinical work, and transition to employment. Of these, 266 IENs are now working in 83 communities across the province.

“Attracting new health care professionals to work in rural and northern locations across the province helps bring health care closer to home for patients,” Mental Health and Addictions, Seniors and Rural and Remote Health Minister Tim McLeod said. “These HHR initiatives also provide opportunities for professionals to experience living in our welcoming and vibrant Saskatchewan communities and enjoying a high quality of life and a lower cost of living.”

Continued investment in the HHR Action Plan to recruit, train, incentivize and retain health care workers, including physicians and registered nurses, amounts to nearly $141.8 million in this year’s budget and will add more than 1,000 professionals to Saskatchewan’s health system.

Additional HHR Progress Updates  

  • 373 internationally educated health professionals (IEHPs) from the Philippines have arrived in Saskatchewan, with 290 now working in communities across the province.
  • 117 applications were received for the Final Clinical Placement Bursary which supports students pursuing a career in healthcare with their final year of studies. 108 applications have been approved. Applications are still open for students who will begin their final clinical placements between April 1, 2024, and September 30, 2024. 
  • 1,279 nursing graduates from Saskatchewan and out-of-province have been hired since December 2022, which includes 182 since April 1, 2024.
  • Seven full-time Nurse Practitioners have been hired since June 2024 in Saskatchewan communities including Yorkton (two positions), Esterhazy, Lanigan, Melville, Kelvington and Maple Creek.

Details on health care opportunities, how to access them, and more information on the province’s HHR Action Plan are available at

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