Elm Tree Pruning Permitted Starts Today
The annual ban on pruning elm trees is ending August 31, paving the way for Saskatchewan residents to begin their seasonal pruning September 1.
Saskatchewan prohibits pruning elm trees during the spring and summer to reduce the risk of spreading Dutch elm disease (DED). Elm bark beetles, which carry the fungus that causes DED, are most active between April and August, and can inadvertently be attracted to healthy elm trees by the scent of fresh cuts from pruning. Early fall is an ideal time to prune elm trees as elm bark beetle are less active, and unhealthy branches are easier to spot and remove with leaves still present on the tree.
Pruning is essential for maintaining tree health and reducing vulnerability to disease. By removing dead branches regularly and pruning properly, elm trees become less attractive to the elm bark beetle, which results in a lower overall risk of DED. Incorrect pruning practices – whether you do it yourself or hire a professional – can injure or stress trees, making them more vulnerable to disease. Under provincial regulations, commercial elm tree pruners must complete a recognized training program or be supervised by someone who has.
It is also important to remember that it is illegal to transport, use or store elm firewood in Saskatchewan, as it can spread DED. However, you are allowed to transport elm wood for proper disposal at an elm tree disposal site, which must be done promptly at a location approved by your local municipality.
By pruning outside the ban period and following these tips, especially avoiding the movement of elm firewood, you can help reduce the spread of DED and keep Saskatchewan elm trees healthy.
For more information about DED and proper elm disposal, or if you suspect an elm tree might be infected, contact the Ministry of Environment’s Inquiry Centre by phone at 1-800-567-4224 or email at centre.inquiry@gov.sk.ca.