Here’s what the Farmer’s Almanac says instore across Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan for the next few weeks.
- 12th – 15thPartly cloudy and unseasonably cold.
- 16th – 19thA fast-moving storm from BC brings more snow.
- 20th – 23rdConflict of very warm air from the Gulf of Mexico and cold air from the north brings rain and even thunderstorms, especially for the Rockies.
- 24th – 27thDry weather with cold winds from the Rockies into the Prairies.
- 28th – 30thRain and snow increase in coverage, then very cold air sweeps south.
- 1st – 3rdFrom the western slopes of the Rockies and all points east, stormy conditions prevail: rain and snow, followed by clear and cold weather.
- 4th – 7thAnother storm from the BC moves to the Rockies by the 7th.
- 8th – 11thStorm from the Rockies brings snow to the Prairies.
The Almanac also shared some fun facts on the 10 signs that a bad winder is coming
1. Thicker-Than-Normal Onion Skins or Corn Husks
2. Woodpeckers Sharing a Tree
3. The Early Arrival of the Snowy Owl
4. The Early Departure of Geese and Ducks
5. The Early Migration of the Monarch Butterfly
6. Thick Hair on the Nape of a Cow’s Neck
7. Heavy and Numerous Fogs During August
8. Raccoons With Thick Tails and Bright Bands
9. Mice Chewing Furiously To Get Into Your Home
10. The Early Arrival of Crickets on the Hearth
11. Spiders Spinning Larger-Than-Usual Webs and Entering the House in Great Numbers
12. Pigs Gathering Sticks
13. Ants Marching in a Line Rather Than Meandering
14. Early Seclusion of Bees Within the Hive
15. Unusual Abundance of Acorns
16. Muskrats Burrowing Holes High on the River Bank
17. “See how high the hornet’s nest, ‘twill tell how high the snow will rest.”
18. The Size of the Orange Band on the Woolly Bear (or Woolly Worm) Caterpillar
19. Squirrels Gathering Nuts Early to Fortify Against a Hard Winter
20. Frequent Halos or Rings Around the Sun or Moon Forecasts Numerous Snowfalls