Kindersley and Area Christmas Hamper Program 2024
Coordinating Partners:
The Kindersley Food Bank, The Salvation Army and The West Central Crisis & Family Support Centre are once again joining forces to coordinate applications, receiving donations and distributing donated items for the Christmas Hamper Program. Hamper items will follow Canada’s Food Guide expectations, with the extra December items to encourage and include a holiday meal, treats and children’s gifts.
Service Area:
The Christmas hampers will be distributed to recipients in towns within the Kindersley Food Bank’s service area only: i.e. Kindersley, Smiley, Flaxcombe, Marengo, Alsask, Coleville, Brock and rural residents within (please call with inquires to confirm otherwise).
Applications Welcomed:
Application Forms are available for pick up and completion at The Salvation Army, West Central Crisis and Family Support Centre, Kindersley Food Bank, and at the Hamper distribution location at the Kindersley Mall in the main hallway.
Applications must be completed and returned no later than Saturday, December 14, 2024 at 4:00 PM
We would appreciate all donations to be at the Mall location by December 14th. We thank you for your generous and continued support of the program.
-Kindersley Mall: December 2 to December 14th (except Sundays) from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
-Crisis Centre: December 1 to December 13th Monday-Friday (business hours)
-Salvation Army: December 1 to December 14th (business hours)
Food Needs: Canned vegetables & fruit; Soup, Pasta, Pasta Sauce, Rice, Cereals, Peanut Butter, Beans, Canned Meat, and Juice, etc.
Toy Needs: New (unwrapped) toys, books, and games for children 12 and under
Monetary donations: (cash or cheque) are also gratefully accepted and may be dropped off at any of the three service organizations listed above or at the collection site at the Kindersley Mall. Tax receipts for donations $20 and over will be issued/mailed upon request.
Pick up Day:
Thursday, December 19, 2024
9:30 a.m. to Noon and from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
For information or to volunteer contact:
- West Central Crisis and Family Support Centre
(306) 463-6655 - Salvation Army
(306) 463-2191 - Kindersley Food Bank
(306) 460-7022