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Klippers vs. Humboldt

Ho Ho Ho. It was the Brock and Shayne show at the InterPipeline Arena at the
WCEC on Friday. The visiting Humboldt Broncos provided the opposition and it was
a doozy of a game! It was also Teddy Bear Toss night. The fans were asked to bring
a teddy bear or other stuffed toy to the game and when the Klippers scored their
first goal, then the stuffed animals were to be tossed over the plexi glass and onto
the ice.

Unfortunately, Humboldt scored the only goal of the 1st period so the fans had to
wait. The Broncos scored again into the 2nd before the captain, “BIG E” Ethan
Hilbig potted his 3rd goal of the year on a pass from Avery Johnson and Russ Demo.
And then the place went crazy with cheers and a volley of stuffed toys coming over
the glass! 2 full bins of toys were collected before the game could resume.

And resume it did. Brock Evan’s scored 2 goals with assists to Shayne Tibbles and
Avery Johnson giving Kindersley a 3 to 2 lead after 2. That was end of scoring for
the Broncos as the Klips Shayne Tibbles scored a goal with assists to Brock Evans
and Avery Johnson. Zack Anderson scored an empty net goal when Humboldt pulled
their goalie for an extra attacker. This play has been known to work on occasion but
fortunately, not this game.

So the final score was 5 to 2 for Kindersley who head over to Yorkton for a tilt
against the Terriers on Saturday night. It was a good win for the hometown boys
who needed a confidence boost before the end of December. They have the talent
and desire, they just needed a few more good breaks, which they got tonight.

The next home game before the Christmas break is against their arch nemesis, the
Battleford Northstars on Friday the 20th and then a return game up north the next
night. Come on down and cheer on the Klippers. 847 fans can’t be wrong!

By Kevin Martin

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