Business DirectoryChamber of Commerce

What Would You like the Chamber’s Focus to Be in 2025

Where has the time gone? It just seems like yesterday I was hired to be the Executive Director for the Kindersley & District Chamber of Commerce, and here we are 5 plus years and going stronger than ever.

The direction the Chamber has taken began with a wider vision from then President, Rick Miller. He felt the Chamber had lost some lustre and wasn’t fulfilling its main objective which is to help our local businesses. It’s all well and good to put on a Trade Show and the Goose Festival, which still are important events, as they help to bring many people to Kindersley and helps to show off our local companies and beyond.

Now what? How else can the Chamber help? Well, we have been busy in the area of promoting our local economy, which is a priority for all Chambers. Having received some funds for promoting local shopping, we made up a series of videos with various businesses and helped them to showcase their store with a bit of background on them as well. We wanted to show the human side of running a local business and the possible downsides of not supporting said business.

We also did a heavy mail campaign, again promoting the benefits and pitfalls of local shopping. And of course, the gift card program has been wildly successful. Even though they are available all year round, they seem to be more popular in the fall/Xmas season. And that’s ok because all the money spent on the gift cards stays local and our entire community benefits.

As well, we did a series of entrepreneurial videos with approximately 15 successful people and business owners. We wanted to highlight that it doesn’t matter where you are from or where you begin. What counts is starting and moving forward, no matter how small the increments. Our bi-annual Career Day also helps in this regard as we show everyone that a great career can be had if you’re willing to look and work on it.

I was fortunate to interview Brent Butt of Corner Gas fame and he said that he knew he wanted to be a comedian since the age of 12! Now not everyone is that focused. However, he followed his dream and passion and is extremely successful and lives in Vancouver still working on his craft.

So, what is the point of all this?

The Chamber of Commerce is more visible and viable than ever before as we continue to help Kindersley and area be successful and NOT go the way some small towns have gone. Yes, we are still working at helping to bring new businesses and families to town. And no, we can’t do it alone.

Fortunately, we share a common goal with the Town of Kindersley to expand our town and make it more attractive to companies and people to move here, work and live here and put down roots. We partner with the Town in this regard and share a vision of a vibrant and growing community. We took a booth at the Saskatchewan Oil & Gas Show in Weyburn last June to “show off” our town and what can be found here. We have more to offer than most people realize.

What would you like the Chamber to focus on for 2025? We are always happy to hear from you about what you think this town could use for a business or product or service.

Kevin Martin
Executive Director

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