Biggar Fire Responds to MVC Involving 198 Pigs
On Thursday January 9th Biggar Fire Department responded to a motor vehicle collision between a semi truck hauling 198 market weight size pigs and a passenger vehicle on highway 14, 7km east of Biggar.
“After crews addressed the occupants of the vehicles we had to shift our focus to extricating the livestock from the semi trailer laying on its side down a steep embankment. This incident was an extremely challenging and dynamic scene with multiple agencies of fire, EMS, RCMP, tow companies, department of highways and contractors with heavy equipment and crews working synchronized with each other to ultimately get the job done,” they shared.
“We had access to a specialized emergency livestock response trailer this one stationed in Unity that was fully outfitted to deal with this kind of emergency with corral panels, portable loading ramp, push panels and other equipment to deal with and handle livestock,” explained the Department. “Using this trailer, the jaws of life and other extrication tools we where able to make multiple access points and clear obstructions to successfully remove and load 133 animals into another livestock trailer with unfortunately 65 animals having to be euthanized or perished from injuries sustained in the crash.”
“Special thanks to the Goldenview Hutterite Colony for sending man power to help deal with the livestock and to SaskPork for outfitting and supplying these trailers for fire departments to access as we would not otherwise allocate funds to purchase this kind of equipment to deal with these kind of rare isolated incidents in our region. Job well done by all involved.”