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Can You Bake A Pie? Contact the Biggar Museum

Can you bake a pie?

For decades the museum has held the Annual Valentine Pie Sale and this year is no different!

How it works is this:

Volunteers call Pie Bakers and ask them to donate pies for the event. Then the volunteers call businesses and take orders for pies. On the morning of Valentine Day, our volunteers deliver the pies. On the afternoon of Valentine Day, the museum holds the Valentine Day Tea and Pie Sale. Slices of pie are sold with a hot beverage. The day becomes several hours of visiting and comradery!

“We are looking for pie bakers for this popular community event. The Biggar Museum relies on volunteers in our community to continue preserving, protecting and presenting the history of Biggar and area. Call us at 306-948-3451 for more info,” the Biggar Museum & Gallery shared.

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