​RCHS Student Wins Agricultural Scholarship

Tyler Moore, a graduating student from Rosetown Central High School (RCHS), recently won the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) Student Scholarship in Agricultural Safety and Rural Health.

Tyler received the award on the strength of an essay he submitted on the topic of the importance of safety and health on our farm. In his essay, Tyler talked about living on the farm that had been in his family for over 100 years and four generations. Tyler wrote: “My whole life I have been told that doing things right and safe is more important than doing them fast. I learned about physical safety from my dad, but it took school to teach me about mental health and its importance on the farm.”

In his essay, Tyler related how as the final project for his Field Crop Production class he had created a safety binder for the family farm. He wrote: “It has been helpful for new seasonal workers but also a good reminder for myself and others on the farm about correct procedures and safe work practices.”

Tyler also wrote about dealing with stress on the farm. He indicated: “Finances, volatile markets, weather, uncertain crop yield, equipment breakdowns, workload, long hours, lack of sleep and isolation all contribute to high levels of stress and poorer mental health in farm families. What is so difficult about the situation is that many stressors facing farmers are completely out of their control like weather and international trade negotiations. If farmers address some of the things that they can have control over and take care of themselves physically and mentally, it will build resiliency to face things they do not have control over.”

Tyler will be using the scholarship to help attend the University of Saskatchewan in the fall where he will be enrolled at the College of Kinesiology. He plans on someday becoming a physiotherapist. Tyler stated: “I am thankful to my parents for teaching me about farm safety growing up and to Ms. Frick Davis for all the work she does as our guidance counsellor.” Tyler was able to recently attend the SARM Annual General Meeting via Zoom where he had the opportunity to learn more about the organization and thank them for the scholarship.

“We wish Tyler all the best,” stated Sun West Director of Education Randy Emmerson, “Sun West is proud to provide the kind of programming that supports agriculture in our area where it is such an important part of our livelihood and culture.”

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