2017 KBEX Awards: Rural Roots Award

The Rural Roots Award recognizes excellence in agricultural achievement and to help foster rural – urban understanding.

The award is based on a farmer’s contribution to the agricultural industry and community life.

The Rural Roots Award recognizes excellence in agricultural achievement and to help foster rural – urban understanding. The award is based on a farmer’s contribution to the agricultural
industry and community life. Criteria for the Rural Roots Award
1.Rural Roots Award nominees may be nominated by the general public, employee and/or any other business industry
2. Nominees must be a farmer residing in the Rural Municipality of Kindersley and area
3. The achievement(s) on which the nomination is based must occur between February 1, 2016 and December 31, 2016 to be eligible.
4. Nominations should be based on excellence in the following areas:
• Nominee’s longevity in farming the land for which he/she has been nominated
• Farm has a reliable history of crop and/or livestock production that meets or exceeds expected standards
• The nominee is devoted to the success of their industry and is professionally involved in progressing their agricultural career through education and/or is involved in associations related to their industry
• The individual nominated makes use of innovative equipment and techniques to better enhance the quality and/or quantity or their product
• The nominee exhibits a commitment to the environment through the intelligent management of natural and sustainable resources

Deadline: Forms can be filled out no later than 5:00pm on October 17, 2017

Awards Night is November 3, 2017

Submit your vote online now!

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