7 Tips to Help You Keep Your New Year's Health Resolutions

Health Resolutions

A new year means a new you… for the next six weeks at least (or less, if your willpower lacks).

If only New Year’s resolutions were as easy to keep are they are to make, we’d all be buff with beachin’ bods year-long. But then, of course, some delightfully evil-minded person crafted desserts and other delicious, tempting foods for the purpose of enjoyment, no? It’s not your fault those cream-filled, double fudge brownies found their way into your mouth on the off-chance you weren’t diligently guarding your tongue.

However, don’t fret – we’ve cooked up 7 excuse-busting tips to keep you on track and in-line with your New Year’s resolutions for 2015.

Get Social: 21st Century Style

Announce your resolutions on social media – it’s a great way for your friends, and others, to help keep you in-line with your goals. Think of it as a public declaration, minus the face time.

Seek a Support System

If Jerry and Joanna are gluttons for deep-fried-bacon-wrapped-everything, chances are they won’t help you achieve your resolutions. Surround yourself with like-minded friends and family members who share your same goals; these are the people most likely to help keep you motivated.

Be Realistic

If your aim is to lose 20 pounds in one week then consider us the Bad News Bears because we’re here to tell you that just ain’t happening. Keep your goals realistic – put a little research into what constitutes a healthy, average weight loss and be reasonable with timeframes.

Allow For a Reasonable Cheat Day

Are you ready to swear off sweets and fattening foods for the rest of your life? We didn’t think so. Allow yourself a cheat day once a week – within reason, of course. This will help prevent you from binge eating and completely cracking within the first month.

Write ‘Em Down

Literally, write your resolutions on a sheet of paper, or a chalkboard, or a whiteboard – you get the picture. Just don’t tuck them away in an unseen corner of your home – make sure they’re visible so that at the end of each day, week and month you’ll be reminded of your resolutions.

Dear Diary…

In addition to writing down your resolutions, it’s helpful to also keep track of your progress as you move along in the year. See what you’re doing right and learn where you’re steering wrong.

Put Yourself First

Obviously, don’t cut off the entire world, however, if you’re serious about your resolutions it’s important to re-prioritize your time so that your health comes first – because really, without your health what do you have?

By Kindersley Social

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