What are the alternatives to Greyhound in Western Canada?

Source: Rebecca Joseph, Global News, July 9, 2018 

Dwindling ridership has forced transport giant Greyhound to end most of its operations in western Canada. One bus route will remain between Vancouver and Seattle.

The news that Greyhound Canada buses won’t be travelling to cities and communities west of Sudbury, Ont. as of Oct. 31 has left many travellers in a bind.

“I take the bus every weekend ‘cause I’m from Fort Mac and I just come [to Edmonton] every weekend and hang out with my friends,” Seth Grandjambe told Global News. “(The lack of Greyhound service will leave) me being stuck up there every weekend.”

Indigenous people from northern Manitoba rely on the bus service for travel to medical appointments.

Read full article here….

Image Source: Global News 

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