Annual Free Ice Fishing Weekend Coming Up

Free Ice Fishing February 16th-18th, 2019

Has the freezing weather made you house-bound? No fear, this weekend you can enjoy the outdoors in the annual free fishing weekend. Taking place on Saskatchewan’s Family Day holiday weekend, (February 16th-18th) the weekend is designated to encourage ice fishing participation.

During the weekend, anyone can fish in any of the province’s public waters with an open sport fishing season without having to purchase a fishing license. This does not apply to national parks.

Other fishing regulations remain in effect such as procession limits, and  reduced limits on some lakes and rivers.

“With Saskatchewan attracting more than 250,000 anglers annually, this is the perfect opportunity to try something new, enjoy the outdoors and spend time with family and friends,” Environment Minister Dustin Duncan said in a press release.

“Free fishing weekend provides a chance for those who have never been ice fishing to give it a try without having to worry about the cost of a licence.”

Remember to test the thickness of ice before traveling on it. Ice needs to be at least 10 cm thick for walking and 30 cm thick for light vehicles..

For comfort and to prevent frostbite be sure to dress in layers and keep dry. Cover your ears and nose and protect your fingers and toes.

Have a safe and fun ice fishing weekend!

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