Another truck goes through ice on Last Mountain Lake

3 trucks in the past month have gone through the ice

It’s happened again.

Saskatchewan RCMP are issuing another warning about driving on Last Mountain Lake after a third truck broke through the ice and got stuck in under a month.

A man called Southey/Strasbourg RCMP just after noon yesterday when his truck went through the ice close of Rowan’s Ravine Provincial Park on the lake northwest of Regina.

Another truck has gone through the ice at Last Mountain Lake, northwest of Regina. (Southey/Strasbourg RCMP)
Another truck has gone through the ice at Last Mountain Lake, northwest of Regina. (Southey/Strasbourg RCMP)

Officers say he was able to get out safely and walk to the shoreline.

This is the latest of three such incidents to happen in the area in the past month.

On Jan. 7, another truck went through the ice on the lake near Rowan’s Ravine. That driver was also able to walk away safely.

Another truck became frozen “like an ice cube” near Regina Beach when the driver broke through the ice on his way to an ice-fishing tournament on Dec. 26.

RCMP are warning that due to the mild winter, the ice is thinner in parts.

Source: CBC News

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