
The Dying Season A season is often both a matter of chronology and of sensitivity. We have labelled child development and adult development as transitions in life.  We have labelled the later years as senior moments.  Within each season of life, there are predictable phases. Then there are those times within a season that intensity… Continue reading Seasons

Tolerating Polar Bears

Perhaps it is a Canadian obsession. Watching the United States. We recognize that our trading partner and close neighbour is a nudging nuisance some days. Other days we invite the umbrella of protection that a super power provides. Most days we just watch the flow of effluence that spills into our country. In order not… Continue reading Tolerating Polar Bears

Conchies 2016

My father was a “conchie”. The term refers to a conscientious objector. In World War II conscientious objectors chose not to be involved in bloodshed and killing. Those who were eligible for conscription served the country in other ways during the War. In my father’s case, he was conscripted for work in a National Park,… Continue reading Conchies 2016

Media Delivery

How do you get heard?  How does news get known?  OK, all of us have our “aunt” who knows everything – back in the day they were graciously called the grapevine. With the printing press, the past few centuries broke in upon a formerly visual/audio age with easily accessibly reading material.  The book in felt… Continue reading Media Delivery

Ron Baker: Roots

I was wondering why we talk about roots when we speak of our legacy, our heritage and all those history words. You see, I’m a bit of a history person, with archival academic training and refinished heirloom oak furniture. Roots live in the ground and give life to the blooming thing up top.  Sometimes the… Continue reading Ron Baker: Roots