Funding Available for On-farm Projects for Forage and Livestock Producers

On April 1, 2018, the Canadian Agricultural Partnership was launched. The Canadian Agricultural Partnership, promoted as CAP, is a five-year, $388 million investment by federal and provincial governments in strategic initiatives for Saskatchewan agriculture.  One of the areas that CAP programming provides cost-shared funding is to support rural water development for agricultural use, through the… Continue reading Funding Available for On-farm Projects for Forage and Livestock Producers

The Cost of Overgrazing – Why it doesn’t pay to push your pasture

Managing pastures for maximum productivity is a long term goal, but weather fluctuations, fire, insect or wildlife damage, and any other unforeseen circumstances can quickly create a complex balancing act. During times of dry conditions, the urge to use as much as possible of what little forage growth there is, may be overwhelming. Before doing… Continue reading The Cost of Overgrazing – Why it doesn’t pay to push your pasture

Leafy Spurge – A Real Threat

Weed infestations are a cause for increasing concern. The need for action to contain and control these infestations is real. These weeds are often perennial and hard to control plants. As a weed infestation increases in size and severity, the cost of control can increase exponentially. In forage stands, the loss of forage production from… Continue reading Leafy Spurge – A Real Threat