B.C. earthquake wakes up Vancouver, Victoria-area residents

4.3 quake centred about 20 km north of Victoria at 11:39 p.m PT Tuesday, but no damage reported

B.C.’s South Coast was hit by an earthquake that shook many people from their sleep last night, in what one seismologist called the largest quake in the region in years.

There were varying reports about the magnitude of the quake that struck at 11:39 p.m. PT.

Natural Resources Canada measured it at 4.3 ML, while the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) reported M 4.8.

The quake was centred about 19 kilometres NNE of Victoria. The seismic activity was reportedly 42 kilometres deep.

Earthquakes Canada says there have been no reports of damage, and “none would be expected.”

‘Pretty big shake’

Natural Resources Canada seismologist John Cassidy, who lives in Victoria, said he felt “a pretty big shake” for about 10 seconds.

The 4.3 ML earthquake struck about 20 kilometres northeast of Victoria at 11:39 PM PT. (The Canadian Press)
The 4.3 ML earthquake struck about 20 kilometres northeast of Victoria at 11:39 PM PT. (The Canadian Press)

“It’s the largest earthquake in this region in many years,” said Cassidy.

But he added: “Earthquakes are a lot more common around the world than we might think … it’s not really an unusual earthquake,” with about 1,000 similar “light to moderate” quakes felt globally every month.

He also said: “There is no pattern in this region for precursors to a larger earthquake, so this doesn’t really tell us anything about when a larger earthquake may occur in the future.

“But it’s very clearly is a good reminder of the seismicity in this region, that we live in a very active earthquake zone.”

Given the depth of Tuesday’s quake, he said it’s unlikely there would be any aftershocks, but if there were any, they would be light.

TransLink temporarily shut down the Millennium and Expo lines of the SkyTrain, but spokeswoman Anne Drennan said they, along with bus bridges, were reopened for one last run.

BC Hydro said the earthquake hasn’t impacted any transmission or distribution systems.

B.C. residents shaken out of bed

People in the province took to social media Tuesday night, with many saying the tremors were strong enough to wake them up.

California quakes reported earlier

Several hours earlier, a 4.4 magnitude quake struck near San Bernardino, Calif.

The USGS said aftershocks of magnitude 3.8 and 3.2 came minutes later, and dozens of tiny aftershocks followed over the next few hours.

Cassidy says it’s unlikely the B.C. and California quakes were linked, as they’re part of different fault lines.

Reminder to be prepared

B.C. authorities and elected officials said although no damages had been reported in the province, the quake served as a reminder to be prepared.

Essentials for large-scale disasters include:

  • An emergency kit with extra water, food and supplies.
  • A plan to reconnect with family and loved ones.

Source: cbc.ca/news

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