Ban Weight Restriction Will be Lifted in RM of Kindersley on May 1st

Road Update for April 27th, 2018

On April 27th, the R.M. of Kindersley announced on their website that effective on May 1st  the Ban Weight restriction will be lifted. Also as of April 27th, the hauling timeframe from 6:00AM – 9:00PM has been lifted. As of May 1st, the RM of Kindersley will be back to Secondary Weights. The three primary weight roads within the RM of Kindersley will return to primary weights on May 1st:

  • Brock Grid North (#657) & Brock South
  • Rosana Road
  • Flaxcombe South

Be advised that no annual primary weight permits will be issued until further notice (the RM of Kindersley will update their website once the permits are available).

Please read full road update and details on RM of Kindersley website

Image Source: Stock Image

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