Art: Brush to Canvas

Putting a brush to canvas and watching a vision come alive before your eyes, its therapeutic.

Its my happy place.  I spend my evenings after the kids are in bed down in my studio.  Creating, thinking, dreaming.  I’ve spent the last 3 years showing my work at various places and building up my confidence as an artist.  Its a hard thing to do, to put your work out there for critique.  I’ve come to realize though that each piece of art touches someone somewhere.   So my next hurdle I’m looking to tackle as an artist is to make a submission to OSAC (Organization of Saskatchewan Arts Councils) to be considered for a touring art showcase.  Whew big step, a bit daunting.  This is what I’m currently working on.  I had to come up with an idea for a series in which to submit in May for consideration.  The series I decided on is “Women in Uniform”  It features women in the emergency services areas.  Women in this sector are some of the most loving, hard working and tough women I know.  They get to see some of the worst things this world has to offer but still laugh and smile despite that.  They are the ones you don’t ever want to have to use but are the best people to be there in your time in need.  They are Nurses, doctors, firefighters, police officers, EMT’s and Army. I don’t know if the respect for these women came due to working in the healthcare sector I see first hand on how wonderful these ladies are or just knowing the sacrifices they make and the stuff I know they see.  It was something I knew I had to try and capture.

   I work as a homecare Aide.  Ive been with the health region for over 5 years.  I love every minute of it.  So I had to start with a nurse of course.  I wanted to try and capture the hidden moments in a painting.  Hard to do. This one has been done in acrylics. For me it capture the moment when nurses bow their heads and take a deep breathe.  It happens allot in our field.  Its really a hard moment to explain.



 The next one I did was a RCMP officer in her Reds.  A proud patriotic moment.  Truly Canadian.  I do plan on one as well to do one on the job as well.

RCMP Officer

  I still have lots of work to do and many painting to complete before I can gather the work for submission. So while I’m nervous to put my work to critique Whether or not it gets accepted for a touring show or not It is a series I know I’m be proud of and can’t wait to share with others upon completion

Read more by Jenny here….

By Jenny Hagan

Jenny Hagan is an Artist/Photographer/Crafter/Storm Chaser. Follow Jenny as she lets you in on her many adventures, photography, talents and much more!