Sonshine Kennels: We Should Take a Hint From Our Pets

Christmas is one of the best times to really center in on what is important to you and do that. Look into the eyes of your dog and all they want is love and attention and a good bone to chew on. We should take a hint from our pets and focus on the important… Continue reading Sonshine Kennels: We Should Take a Hint From Our Pets

Sonshine Kennels: Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men or in Other Words Whose Bright Idea Was This Anyway

With Christmas coming right around the corner, we are cognizant of the grandiose ideas we have cooked up to make Christmas, the BEST EVER! As the days march along, many of those plans seem to fall by the wayside to more practical things or if we do tackle them we soon get lost in the… Continue reading Sonshine Kennels: Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men or in Other Words Whose Bright Idea Was This Anyway

Sonshine Kennels: Have a Pawsitively Wonderful Christmas

Christmas is one of the best times to really center in on what is important to you and do that. Look into the eyes of your dog and all they want is love and attention and a good bone to chew on. We should take a hint from our pets and focus on the important… Continue reading Sonshine Kennels: Have a Pawsitively Wonderful Christmas

Sonshine Kennels: The Reality of Christmas

Does this remind you of anyone—maybe you—as you get ready for the Christmas season-all tied up and not really enjoying the lights? Here at Sonshine Kennels we have some answers for you and your pet to take the stress out of Christmas. First of all, book your holiday grooming appointment for your pet. These times… Continue reading Sonshine Kennels: The Reality of Christmas

Sonshine Kennels: Take Safe Measures When Outside

Caution in the Cold. If your dog is frequently lifting up his paws, crying or stopping while out on his walk, there’s a chance he’s trying to tell you his pads are cold. Check to make sure he didn’t step in salt or other ice-melting agents used on the streets as these chemicals can be… Continue reading Sonshine Kennels: Take Safe Measures When Outside


When summer approaches, most of us spare a thought for our furry companions who cannot shrug out of their thick coats to cool down when the weather is hot. For many dog owners, this means clipping or trimming the dog’s coat to help them to keep their cool, but this is not always the only,… Continue reading Sonshine Kennels: PLANNING FOR A GREAT SUMMER

Sonshine Kennels: Proudly Serving the Kindersley Area for Over 20 Years

We have been proudly serving Kindersley and area for over 20 years and can’t wait to serve you for many more.  We are here to help and will care for your dog like our very own. To book grooming or boarding appointments, please call Barbe at 306-460-9304 For the latest information and for more updates… Continue reading Sonshine Kennels: Proudly Serving the Kindersley Area for Over 20 Years

Sonshine Kennels: Considering Hitting the Road With Your Furry Friend? 

Thinking about hitting the road with your furry friend?  We have some tips for you that will make your journey easier for your and your pet: Plan bathroom breaks. Before you leave home, teach your dog to relieve himself on multiple surfaces — not just grass! Having the ability to potty on different terrains, such as concrete,… Continue reading Sonshine Kennels: Considering Hitting the Road With Your Furry Friend?