Buy Once, Cry Once; Complete Equipment List and Review

By Jackie Zimmer Complete Equipment List and Review It’s expensive to, essentially, live like a homeless person. People are astonished at how much “camping” gear costs, and often balk at the funds I put into my gear. Well, my friends, long-distance backpacking can not be compared to car camping. While it is an enjoyable past… Continue reading Buy Once, Cry Once; Complete Equipment List and Review

Turkey, Water, Pain Oh My!

By Jackie Zimmer On the Pacific Crest Trail you’re free to make your own decisions without having to take someone else’s opinion and feelings into consideration. You get to set your own pace without worrying about leaving someone behind or holding them back. You can rest when you want, eat when you want, and stop… Continue reading Turkey, Water, Pain Oh My!

25 Ways The PCT Pi**ed Me Off

By Jackie Zimmer Hiking on the Pacific Crest Trail was, by far, the best experience of my life. But, I was pissed off about 7% of the time. Here’s a list of some of those scenarios… 1) Blisters. Big ones. (Are they supposed to be green?) 2) Disappearing tread. (Wait Where did the trail go?!… Continue reading 25 Ways The PCT Pi**ed Me Off

Jackie’s PCT Journal Entry- Day# 7

By Jackie Zimmer Life is completely different on the Pacific Crest Trail. Solitude is a very strange thing. You talk to yourself, you sing to yourself (or to the person you didn’t realize was hiking a few switchbacks above you and could hear everything- yes, that happened), you’re constantly trying to control where your mind… Continue reading Jackie’s PCT Journal Entry- Day# 7

Teachings Of The Pacific Crest Trail

By Jackie Zimmer Three words: It Owns You Nobody has it easy on the PCT. It has hurdles, and they’re hardly few and far between. But, for every hurdle it throws at you, it also provides you with sights you couldn’t imagine in your wildest dreams. Upon my return, a friend told me, “It required… Continue reading Teachings Of The Pacific Crest Trail

Pacific Crest Trail: Jackie's Progress

By Kindersley Social, July 23, 2016  Progress Check-in – Jackie is well in her adventure of hiking 270 miles in 14 days along the Pacific Crest Trail. Here is an update on her progress: The trail through Jackie’s eyes: An overview of her route: Stay tuned for more updates on Jackie’s progress! Read about Jackie’s preparations… Continue reading Pacific Crest Trail: Jackie's Progress

Packing for the Pacific Crest Trail

By Jackie Zimmer Necessities and essentials only. What to pack for two weeks in the wilderness *I have not been paid to endorse any of these products, nor was given any items by the manufacturers to tests and review. All items have been purchased by myself, excluding a few items, which are extremely generous gifts… Continue reading Packing for the Pacific Crest Trail

The Big 3

By Jackie Zimmer Shelter, Sleep System, backpack. The most important pieces of gear you’ll have for your trek. They also eat up the majority of your base pack weight whether you’re an Ultralight or Light-weight Backpacker. Regardless of which category you’re aiming for, every ounce is counted; but the lighter the gear is, the more… Continue reading The Big 3