“Sometimes life hands you rare one of a kind moments”

Photographing nature does take some skill but most often it’s patience and a bit of luck. I had heard of an albino Mule deer doe hanging out near town. I knew the herd and I knew the course they normally travelled. Being in the right place at the right time proved slightly more difficult. I… Continue reading “Sometimes life hands you rare one of a kind moments”

The Untold Story

A photograph can capture am moment otherwise gone, portray a feeling or tell a story. The story can either be told by the photograph and the one who captured it or by the viewer taking away something from the image before them. That’s the beauty about art it brings different emotions to different people. For… Continue reading The Untold Story

Camera Capture: The Lunar Eclipse

A new year and a new opportunity to see amazing things happening in your back yard. January 20th brought the “Super Blood Wolf Moon”.  My daughter usually finds these events fascinating so I normally keep track of when these events occur and take her out when timing allows. This event started at 9:30 pm so… Continue reading Camera Capture: The Lunar Eclipse

Storms of 2016

Whew. It was a crazy busy summer for me.  Well summer always is.  For the past couple years storm season was sorta lagging.  Well this summer sure made up for that.  It was a season of vey active skies.  Which I both loved and hated.  There was tons of photography opportunities but had a hard… Continue reading Storms of 2016

Honey Bee Farm

Photographer.  It’s such a general term. There are so many, many different types of photographers.  There are your smart phone photographers, your portrait photographers, landscape photographers, and wedding photographers.  I could go on and on the list is pretty long.    It’s hard to define exactly what I do.  I take pictures of EVERYTHING.  Well except… Continue reading Honey Bee Farm

Chasing the Tilston Tornado

It’s getting to that time of year again. Storm season is just about upon us.  The prairies have seen its first tornado of the year near Calgary Alberta.  A spectacular EF0 land spout.   I get a few absolutely awe inspiring chases in a season.  I travel across the Canadian prairies, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.… Continue reading Chasing the Tilston Tornado