Halifax Researcher Helps Prove Einstein’s Theory

Photo Credit: The Guardian/ ESO/L Calçada/EPA

Source: Alex Cooke, globalnews.ca, Juy 31st, 2021 Because of their very nature, black holes themselves can’t be seen. Scientists are only able to observe the objects around them. A researcher at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax was part of a team of scientists that observed light coming from behind a black hole for the very… Continue reading Halifax Researcher Helps Prove Einstein’s Theory

The World’s Smallest Computer Is the Size of a Grain of Salt

Source: John Dyer, Seeker.com, April 3, 2018 IBM has developed the world’s smallest computer, which could help track objects, foil counterfeiters, and boost efficiency. A computer as big as a grain of salt could transform shipping that crisscrosses the planet, said IBM researchers who recently unveiled the experimental device. Using blockchain technology that would provide a secure… Continue reading The World’s Smallest Computer Is the Size of a Grain of Salt

These sneakers are made from recycled chewing gum

Source: Thuy Ong, TheVerge.com, April 24, 2018  The project uses around 2.2 pounds of gum for every four pairs of shoes Chewing gum is somewhat of a universal pastime, but the consequence is often the amount of gum left on streets when people spit it out. To reduce waste and litter, city marketing organization Iamsterdam,… Continue reading These sneakers are made from recycled chewing gum

This Robot Assembled an IKEA Chair in 20 Minutes

Source: Tracy Staedter, Seeker.com, April 18, 2018  A pair of stationary robotic arms successfully executed the roughly 50 steps required to put together an IKEA STEFAN chair. Anyone who’s ever assembled furniture from IKEA understands the daunting task at hand. The  pile of loose parts, wonky shapes, and pages of instructions that are both rudimentary… Continue reading This Robot Assembled an IKEA Chair in 20 Minutes

MIT’s Biomimetic Soft Robot Swims With the Fishes

Source: Glenn McDonald, Seeker.com, March 22, 2018  The lifelike movements of the robot mean it can navigate aquatic environments without triggering any discernible alarm among marine life. As the old saying goes, there are indeed plenty of fish in the sea. But not many have servo motors, a lithium polymer battery, and a 3D-printed silicone… Continue reading MIT’s Biomimetic Soft Robot Swims With the Fishes

Skin Patch Mines Sweat for Performance-Enhancing Data

Source: Glenn McDonald, Seeker.com, February 20, 2018  The device measures electrolytes and hydration and could someday replace blood samples at the doctor’s office. Next time you’re finishing a workout, don’t just towel off that sweat. Turns out there’s a lot of good data in there. Researchers with Northwestern University have announced details on a disposable sweat… Continue reading Skin Patch Mines Sweat for Performance-Enhancing Data

New and Improved RoboBee Flies, Dives, Swims, Then Flies Again

Source: Glenn McDonald, Seeker.com, January 17, 2018  A Harvard engineering lab has been building a robotic bee for more than 25 years, and it can now do things that even real bees can’t manage. For more than 25 years now, a quiet little design lab at Harvard has been working on a unique robotics project… Continue reading New and Improved RoboBee Flies, Dives, Swims, Then Flies Again

‘Super Blue Blood Moon’ Will Force NASA to Shut Down Lunar Spacecraft Instruments

Source: Elizabeth Howell, Seeker.com, January 25, 2018  The combination of a supermoon, a blue moon, and a full lunar eclipse on January 31 means NASA scientists will temporarily turn off instruments aboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. Here’s why. While skywatchers in North America, Asia, and Europe watch a bigger-than-usual lunar eclipse on January 31, NASA… Continue reading ‘Super Blue Blood Moon’ Will Force NASA to Shut Down Lunar Spacecraft Instruments

One person ruptured their throat by trying to hold back a sneeze

Source: Angela Chen, TheVerge.com, January 15, 2018  The case is rare, but in general, just let it out When it comes to sneezing, something’s gotta give — as one man learned after his attempt to hold in a sneeze led to a ruptured throat. This “previously fit and well” man pinched his nose and clamped… Continue reading One person ruptured their throat by trying to hold back a sneeze