Scam Alert: No, Netflix Isn’t Suspending Your Account

Source: Chris Hoffman,, February 11, 2020  Text message scams are on the rise. If you’ve received an SMS message threatening to suspend your Netflix account for lack of payment, that’s a scam. Like the FedEx text message scam, this is a form of SMS-based phishing. This scam is pretty simple. You receive a text message claiming… Continue reading Scam Alert: No, Netflix Isn’t Suspending Your Account

How to Delete Your Personal Information From People-Finder Sites

Source: Dave Johnson,, February 11, 2020  There was a time on the internet when no one would know if you were a dog, but those days are long gone. It’s now incredibly easy to find deeply personal information about someone online thanks to data brokers, more commonly known as “people-finder” sites. People-finder sites are… Continue reading How to Delete Your Personal Information From People-Finder Sites

It’s 2020. Is Using Public Wi-Fi Still Dangerous?

Source: Chris Hoffman,, February 4, 2020  You’ve probably heard that public Wi-Fi is dangerous. Advice about avoiding it is almost as widespread as public Wi-Fi itself. Some of this advice is outdated, and public Wi-Fi is safer than it used to be. But there are still risks. This is a complicated topic. It’s true that… Continue reading It’s 2020. Is Using Public Wi-Fi Still Dangerous?

How to See What Companies Are Uploading Data About You to Facebook

Source: Brady Gavin,, February 4, 2020  It’s no surprise that Facebook stores an immense amount of data about you. Some of that information comes directly from other companies you interact with online. Here’s how to see which companies upload your off-Facebook activity to the social network. Off-Facebook activity is information that businesses and organizations… Continue reading How to See What Companies Are Uploading Data About You to Facebook

How to Set Up a Mac for Your Kids

Source: Tim Brookes,, January 27, 2020 Providing children with access to a computer and the internet is increasingly important, but so is protecting them. Setting boundaries and fostering a healthy relationship with technology can seem tough, but macOS has built-in parental controls that can help. Your child might share a computer with the rest… Continue reading How to Set Up a Mac for Your Kids

Do You Need Anti-Ransomware Software for Your PC?

Source: Dave Johnson,, January 28, 2020 Unlike other types of malware, you can’t just clean up ransomware and go on with your day. A run-of-the-mill virus won’t destroy all your data and backups. That’s why ransomware is a hazard you need to prepare for in advance. “If you weren’t running ransomware protection,” said Adam Kujawa,… Continue reading Do You Need Anti-Ransomware Software for Your PC?

How to Create an Email List for Gmail to Send Group Emails

Source: Brady Gavin,, January 20, 2020 If you send emails to the same group of people regularly, you can cut down on wasted time by creating an email list to use in Gmail. While it’s not inherently obvious, here’s how to generate a mailing list. In typical Google fashion, all of the contacts you… Continue reading How to Create an Email List for Gmail to Send Group Emails

What Is an Internet Troll? (and How to Handle Trolls)

Source: Vann Vicente,, January 21, 2020 Internet trolls are people who want to provoke and upset others online for their own amusement. Here’s how to spot the signs that someone is a troll, and how to handle them. If you’ve been on the internet for any period of time, you’ve likely run into a… Continue reading What Is an Internet Troll? (and How to Handle Trolls)

Windows 7 Dies Today: Here’s What You Need to Know

Source: Chris Hoffman,, January 14, 2020 Microsoft released Windows 7 in October 2009. Now, more than a decade later, it’s being retired. Your Windows 7 PCs will keep working, but Microsoft is no longer issuing security patches as of January 14, 2020. Windows 7 will keep working normally, just like Windows XP does. If you… Continue reading Windows 7 Dies Today: Here’s What You Need to Know

What Is 5G, and How Fast Will It Be?

Source: Chris Hoffman,, January 3, 2020  Once again, you can’t escape the 5G hype at CES. It’s been building since CES 2018. Everyone—from Samsung and Intel to cellular carriers and smartphone companies—wants you to know how amazing 5G will be. Samsung called it “wireless fiber”, promising super-fast low latency internet everywhere. 5G is supposed to… Continue reading What Is 5G, and How Fast Will It Be?