Full Moon on Friday: Just Harvest Moon or Supermoon?

The full moon tomorrow—on September 16, 2016, is sparking some debate in the astronomical community. It will be the Northern Hemisphere’s harvest moon, being the closest full moon to the autumnal equinox. And, as seen from the Eastern Hemisphere, it will undergo a faint penumberal eclipse. Astronomers are on agreement on these two points. However,… Continue reading Full Moon on Friday: Just Harvest Moon or Supermoon?

Mars, Saturn and Antares

Tonight is the Last Night They Will Form a Sort of Bent Line Throughout this year, our southern skies have been treated to a stunning display of Mars, Saturn, and the star Antares. It was May when they finally crept into out evening skies, rising above the southeastern horizon and swinging across the ecliptic as… Continue reading Mars, Saturn and Antares

Coathanger Cluster

The Coathanger Cluster is a very rewarding target for anyone with a pair of binoculars. While you’re out observing meteors in this month (because you are, right?), you might be interested in taking along a telescope or binoculars and locating some new dim objects. The Coathanger Cluster is a very rewarding target for anyone with… Continue reading Coathanger Cluster

Capella: The Goat Star

It’s big. It’s beautiful. It possesses an energy and power that will leave you in awe. And it’s not a goat. Wherever it got its name, Capella the Goat Star certainly doesn’t resemble the animal it was named after. You can blame those ancient Greeks! It’s generally known as a winter star, found in the constellation Auriga.… Continue reading Capella: The Goat Star

Moon Landing Anniversary

“That’s one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.” It’s been exactly 47 years since these words were spoken. 47 years since astronaut Neil Armstrong made history by being the first human to step onto the moon’s surface. 47 years since humankind showed that we are capable of setting goals far beyond… Continue reading Moon Landing Anniversary

What to Find in the Big Dipper

The Big Dipper is probably THE most famous star pattern, period. It’s big, bright, and serves as a guide to many other bright stars and constellations on the great road map of the sky. But don’t let its commonness deceive you. Far from a humdrum star pattern, it actually has some pretty cool stars and… Continue reading What to Find in the Big Dipper


After several months of absence, Venus is finally becoming visible again! By mid-July, we might be able to see it in the west, at dusk, with the naked eye. But if you can’t wait that long, there’s a small chance you’ll be able to spot it before then! For the next couple days, during a… Continue reading Venus

Did You See the Strawberry Moon?

Last night the world had a rare treat: a full moon on Summer Solstice. Read my full article on the rarity of this moon here . Why is this called a strawberry moon? According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac this name was first used by the Algonquin tribe of indigenous Americans, who called the June full moon by that… Continue reading Did You See the Strawberry Moon?