McKenzie School Bell Finds New Home at Kindersley Museum

Photo Credit: Anna Polsfut

The McKenzie School Bell has found a new home at the Kindersley and District Plains Museum. After the old school site was slated for demolition, the Town made the decision to move the bell to the Museum–a fitting spot since the bell was purchased in 1911. “We received it as the town of Kindersley is… Continue reading McKenzie School Bell Finds New Home at Kindersley Museum

Ten Dollar Bill Veteran: The Story of Robert Metcalfe

War Veteran Featured on Old $10 Bill If you hold an old $10 bill from the early 2000’s and flip it over on the back right you will see an old veteran standing at attention near the Ottawa war memorial. Many believe this veteran to be Robert Metcalfe, who fought in the second world war… Continue reading Ten Dollar Bill Veteran: The Story of Robert Metcalfe

When was Battle of Passchendaele? Most Canadians don’t know: poll

Source: Josh Dehaas, CTV News, November 8, 2017  Passchendaele was one of the deadliest battles in Canadian history, but a new poll released exactly 100 years later finds that most Canadians can’t even correctly identify which war it was part of. When given a list of five wars to choose from–including the Second World War,… Continue reading When was Battle of Passchendaele? Most Canadians don’t know: poll

Battle of Passchendaele

For the last three years, Canadians have been passing important anniversaries of events related to the First World War. This October is one of these important anniversaries: it marks 100 years since Canadians became involved in the famous Battle of Passchendaele. Also known as the Third Battle of Ypres, this assault remains a classic example… Continue reading Battle of Passchendaele

100 Years Ago Today: The Battle of the Somme

The grey light of dawn is creeping slowly along the eastern horizon. In the Somme Valley, France, a complicated network of trenches stretches across the landscape. Allied soldiers are along one side; German troops line the other. Between them lies No Man’s Land—scarred, cratered, and utterly empty of life. The silence is deafening. Then, with… Continue reading 100 Years Ago Today: The Battle of the Somme

‘Christmas Miracle’ – 1914

A chocolate cake. That’s what started it. Or rather, the note that came along with it. Its exact words are not known. But its effect was profound: it inspired one of the most touching examples of humanity in modern warfare.  It was Christmas Eve, 1914. The Great War had been raging for nearly five months.… Continue reading ‘Christmas Miracle’ – 1914