Communities Urged to Support Local Libraries

Save Our Libraries

After learning their local libraries could have over 58% of their funding cut, Saskatchewan residents are ready to take action. The shocking news hit headlines late last month when the new provincial budget was released to the public.

“I was always so proud of the library system that we had in Saskatchewan, we were the best in Canada,” stated Marilyn Shea, long-standing librarian at the Kindersley branch. “Now it is shut right down, and all that is left is a remnant, what we now have to offer is less than what we had when I first started, over 28 years ago.”

Residents in the Kindersley area are determined to not let their library go down quietly. Many aim to make themselves heard on Friday, April 7. In a peaceful protest, readers and library users alike are encouraged to bring a book and read it in front of Bill Boyd’s MLA office, located at 116 Main Street in Kindersley.

The event is set to take place from 12:00(noon), to 12:30 p.m., participants are urged to fill the sidewalks and press their local MLA to reconsider the current budget.

“We are hoping this will bring the issue to individual MLA’s attention,” says Shea, “when they see people of all ages and from all walks of life showing how their library is important, it’s bound to make them rethink and start making a difference.”

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By Mallorie Rast

Born and raised in the Kindersley area, Mallorie has a deep appreciation for rural living and the importance of a community spirit. Farm girl to the core, she is passionate about training and working with stock dogs and sheep on the family ranch. When she’s not working on the farm or writing for Kindersley Social, she loves diving into history and apologetics.