Debate takeaways: Kaine challenges Pence to defend Trump

Image Courtesy of Joe Raedle/Pool via AP
Image Courtesy of Joe Raedle/Pool via AP

By Lisa Lerer and Alan Suderman, The Associated Press, October 5, 2016 

FARMVILLE, Va. — Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine repeatedly challenged Mike Pence during Tuesday’s vice-presidential debate, attempting to tie the Indiana governor to some of Donald Trump’s most controversial statements about women, immigrants and foreign policy. Trump’s running mate maintained a folksy, soft-spoken demeanour, even as he mounted an uneven defence of the New York billionaire.

Rather than commenting on some of the GOP candidate’s most inflammatory comments, Pence attempted to turn the attacks back on Kaine’s running mate, Hillary Clinton, repeatedly questioning her trustworthiness and raising questions about her use of a private email server and her family’s foundation.

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