Edmonton teacher fired for breaking 'no zero policy' won't get job back

EDMONTON – A veteran Edmonton teacher who was fired for giving zeros to students who didn’t hand in their homework or take tests will get to keep money he was previously awarded but he won’t get his job back.

The Alberta Court of Appeal has dismissed both an Edmonton School District appeal and a cross-appeal by former teacher Lynden Dorval.

Edmonton teacher Lynden Dorval was fired after defying the 'no-zero' policy.
Edmonton teacher Lynden Dorval was fired after defying the ‘no-zero’ policy.

Back in the summer of 2014, a Board of Reference ruled that Dorval had been unfairly suspended and fired, and awarded him two years’ salary and a top-up to his pension.

The school board wanted the courts to throw out that judgment while Dorval was looking to be reinstated, but the appeal court ruled things should be left as they are.

Several months after Dorval was fired, the school board reversed its no-zero policy that barred teachers from giving students a grade of zero.

Dorval has since retired, but has publicly declared the new rules are just a reworking of the old policy and teachers still aren’t allowed to make decisions on marks and grades.

Dorval had been a teacher for 35 years.

Source: ctvnews.ca

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